How We Sometimes Get Community Wrong

Sometimes as Christian鈥檚 we can leave community to chance. We have our organised events, meetings and social opportunities but the individual relationships between us can be neglected. How are your relationships fairing these days at work, church and home? Has routine and familiarity become king? Have niggling conflicts been swept under the carpet for so long that they鈥檙e starting to spill out the sides?

How are you 鈥榗ultivating鈥 community in your spheres? If you leave community to chance you鈥檒l have the same result as a garden that has been deserted聽 – it will be growing, but definitely not cultivated. This is the difference between wild plants and a cultivated garden:

  • One is haphazard and disordered, the other has function, beauty and is intentional
  • One has more aggressive plants swallowing up and suffocating other plants, in the other each plant has its place and is nurtured to flourish
  • In one unwanted weeds can spread unchecked, in the other weeds are quickly addressed and removed


Which is why so much of the bible is dedicated not just to how we relate to God, but also how we intentionally relate to each other.

John 13:33-35

33 Dear children, I will be with you only a little longer鈥. 34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.鈥

You don鈥檛 have to command people to do things that come naturally! So clearly Jesus knew we would need to be instructed on this point from time to time. This verse speaks of intentionality.


Using the garden analogy, let鈥檚 discuss two things that are required for a cultivated community.

  1. Good soil.

The condition of your heart, and the presence of the Holy Spirit will always determine the fruitfulness of a community. The bible is full of analogies about this!

If you鈥檙e lucky enough to work at a Christian organisation or church you will have many opportunities to interact with God鈥檚 word, but that can鈥檛 replace our personal attentiveness to the condition of our hearts. Unless we are bringing our hearts (particularly our hearts in relationship to others) under the refining hand of Christ, we may not have the good soil needed to cultivate a good community.

The best way to do a heart-soil test is to do a fruit test. Luke 6:45 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.

What you say, and how you say it, will reveal what is going on in your heart. If we tend to the condition of our hearts we will find that we are more willing and more able to positively cultivate our communities.


  1. Intentionality

A cultivated garden has intentional planting, watering, pruning – intentional care and behaviour. Similarly, a cultivated community – either in your businesses, classrooms, counselling practices, churches, workplaces or home – requires intentionality towards each other.

Sometimes we are tempted to only 鈥渄o our Christian duty鈥 when it comes to how we treat each other. We don鈥檛 want to 鈥済et in trouble with God鈥 so as long as we act nice, don鈥檛 say anything overtly rude, don鈥檛 gossip, then we鈥檙e ok right? But that results in the bare minimum Christian behaviour – we become an isolated garden of cactuses! Low maintenance, separated, and prickly. I don鈥檛 think that was the idea Jesus had in mind when he said our community would show the world that we are His.

That鈥檚 not the Christian鈥檚 call to community. We are instructed to love others as we love ourselves. We don鈥檛 love ourselves begrudgingly, doing the bare minimum. We really care about the condition, nourishment, and development of ourselves. We invest in ourselves!

Therefore, we shouldn鈥檛 do the bare minimum for our community and hope it will plod along on its own. We should cultivate it! Nourishing each other with encouragement, quickly pulling out the weeds of offence and misunderstanding, giving attention to those that are struggling, and recognizing when we have taken up too much space and are smothering other people鈥檚 growth, keeping our soil rich so that God鈥檚 goodness will flow out of our hearts to others.

God wants us to care about our horizontal relationship with each other, not just our vertical relationship with Him.

Which means – Don鈥檛 wait until you feel like it. The best way to feel loving towards others is to act loving before you feel it- pray for them, care about their wellbeing, want the best for them.

It might require 鈥榩lanting鈥 new things like meetings, relationships or behaviours. But also, it may simply look like cultivating the relationships, meetings, and interactions we already have according to the cultivation instructions in God鈥檚 word.


How鈥檚 your green thumb? Be the cultivator almost your communities today!